About Sharon

In 2012 Sharon Bailey Soullier took her first trip to the Dominican Republic.  Seeing poverty and suffering on TV and in magazines did not begin to prepare her for the reality of seeing it face to face.  God opened the eyes of the people to her, like windows to their souls.  The depth of suffering and pain in their eyes was more than she could imagine.

The life she had lived was suddenly shattered as her eyes were opened and her heart was broken to a new reality of poverty, suffering and despair.  She returned home and was unable to sit back comfortably and return to life as she knew it and do nothing.  She knew God was calling her to become the voice of HOPE to those who are voiceless.

Being only one voice, Sharon struggled for a year with how God could use her to make a positive impact in their lives. As she began to surrender to God’s plan, it became clear that she was not just one voice.  In God's plan, her voice is combined with the voices of all of us and together WE make a difference!

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