From 2012 - 2020 former President, Danilo Medina made it a priority to build government run schools in the rural areas of the Dominican Republic. The government requires a uniform to enroll in school. Due to extreme poverty, families are unable to purchase the required uniform for their children.
The parents barely make enough money to feed their children a couple meals a week, so there is no money left to purchase the uniforms. Other than sugarcane field work, there are very limited options for the uneducated to earn a living. Many women and young girls are forced into prostitution to earn food to feed their children and themselves.
In 2014 Borderless Hope began a program to provide uniforms for 156 children to attend school. Since then we have grown to 270 sponsored children each year. With your help, we can sponsor more children. Changes are already being witnessed as education is exposing the students to a world outside of their confined environment. They now respect themselves and each other as they begin to believe and have HOPE they have a future and can make a difference in their country.
Education will have an impact on the economy within the country. Crime and prostitution will decrease when the people are able to take care of their basic needs of food, water, shelter and medical care. There will be a global impact as start-up businesses and industry will have an educated workforce to help them succeed.
Investing in educating the children is not a hand out. Education is the key for people living in poverty to have the HOPE of one day being self sufficient and being leaders in their communities. The youth are the future leaders of their country.